The girlband send us pictures. Now it is time to poker. There will be more information and pictures in the next days. Have fun.
The girlband send us pictures. Now it is time be in the studio for a breakfast. There will be more information and pictures in the next days. Have fun.
Entertainment • Music Buisiness • News
In a top secret recording studio he work on a new song. A perfect new dance song for you. Tryin to post every Friday pictures from Hotnews.It´s not Justin, for sure.More about the new Singel soon and only on this… Continue Reading…
Entertainment • Music Buisiness • News
He is in a top secret recording studio to work on a new song. A super song to dance and have fun. Tryin to post every Friday pictures from Hotnews.It´s not Justin, for sure.More about the new Singel soon and… Continue Reading…