Party Mix Holiday Club

Artist: Holiday Club
Album: Party Mix

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Artist: Holiday Club
Album: Party Mix

Essentials for a perfect european Karneval Party.

1. Mainzer Narhalla Marsch 2:33

2. Karneval Faschings Tusch 1:00

3. Klopapier 3:58

4. Oktoberfest Einmarsch 2:23

5. Alte Kammeraden 4:23

Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually during February. Carnival typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus, mask and public street party. People often dress up or masquerade during the celebrations, which mark an overturning of daily life. In Germany and the Netherlands, a second Karneval or Fasching can be begin on 11/11 (often at 11:11 a.m.). This dates back to celebrations before the former longer Advent season (40 days now reduced to about four weeks), or with harvest celebrations of St. Martin’s Day.
Carnival is traditionally held in areas with a large Catholic and to a lesser extent, Eastern Orthodox makeup. Protestant areas usually do not have Carnival celebrations or have modified traditions, such as the Danish Carnival or other Shrove Tuesday events. Conversely, the Philippines, though a predominantly Roman Catholic country, does not have Carnival celebrations because it has been culturally influenced by neighboring Asian nations, which do not have Carnival celebrations.

The first worldwide carnival parade took place in Cologne around 1823.
The Carnival week begins on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday with parades being held during the weekend and finishes on Ash Wednesday, with the main festivities occurring around Rosenmontag (Rose Monday). This time is also called the “Fifth Season.” Shrove Tuesday is celebrated in certain cities.
In German-speaking countries, two distinct varieties of Carnivals are held. The Rheinish Carnival is held in the west of Germany, mainly in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate, and is famous for celebrations such as parades and costume balls. Cologne Carnival is the largest and most famous. On Carnival Thursday (called “Old Women Day” or “The Women’s Day”), in commemoration of an 1824 revolt by washer-women, women storm city halls, cut men’s ties, and are allowed to kiss any man who passes their way.
The “Swabian-Alemannic” Carnival, known as Fastnacht, takes place in Baden and Swabia (Southwestern Germany), Switzerland, Alsace and Vorarlberg (Western Austria). It traditionally represents the time of year when the reign of the cold, grim winter spirits is over and these spirits are being hunted down and expelled.