EntertainmentMusic BuisinessNews

Party Music the Party goes on..

PartyGirl2024 PartyMusic Album

PARTYGIRL Song Baby In Stores 15.April 2024

Stuiomixer with Promoposter

– Sorry no Spotify. , see story below. The singer of this fantastic music by none other than ‘The X-Factor’ USA finalist. The singer has hundreds of millions of YouTube views and released multiple Top 10’s in the US Dance Chart.

Older post about PartyGirl:

Sara Kuttner, Nora Tschirner und die Blumen at VIVA TV Sarah Kuttner Show. A Youtube Clip with the famouse promo for The Party Girl song by ChrisMusiker Boni-Records. The black Poster PARTY GIRL can be seen in the background at timecode 02:00 Viceoclip. Behind the male anchorman. Remember the time.